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Official Club Website for the EFRA 2022 Euros

The Track
The track’s internal dimensions measure 43m x 26m. The straight is on the opposite side to the rostrum. The rest of the layout includes a >1m deep 'bomb-hole', small jumps/hops, sweeping corners, tight corners, ‘step-up’ style jumps, table-tops, banked corners; overall a good mix of features with total visibility. The tracks internal markers are white piping and concrete with light blue carpeted infield for a better contrast against the green astroturf, apex markers are low concrete kerbs and pipe white. The track runs clockwise.
On an average layout, the fastest lap time of the top drivers is circa 23 seconds, a realistic lap-time is 25-26 seconds. The track drives well with high traction in dry conditions and medium in wet conditions.
Rain Contingency
We have the facility to pump water off the lower sections, there are drainage channels under these areas and two sumps which can be pumped out, we have a variety of pumps (puddle type and more substantial) and two 'magic sponge' foam roller which soaks up excess moisture very quickly simply by pushing round the track, they are very effective.
The rostrum is 9.2 metres wide, 1.2m deep, 2.1m high at foot height with a 3m rear sloping roof for water run-off, it has permanent power, speaker and network points for timing and laptop for referees behind the drivers.
Shelves are in place behind the drivers and referees for general use.
Access is via separate 'up' steps and 'down' steps to the rear, both with handrails.
A transmitter compound can be provided in the scrutineering area if required.
A small seating and undercover area is situated underneath the rostrum with power, speaker and network points, a large flat screen monitor will placed in this area so mechanics can see live races and lap times directly under the drivers stand.
The track is surrounded by very heavy duty 6 inch pipe to prevent escape of cars, along with steel personnel barriers and astroturf walkways.
Spectator viewing is possible on all sides.
We have 200 seated capacity for spectators via 4 x 50 seat aluminium tiered units.
Race control will be adjacent to the raised start ares, the timing loops will be directly infront of race control, to the right of the rostrum.
Marshal points are evenly distrubuted around the layout and benefit in 'high risk' areas from solid steel or steel mesh safety enclosures. Hi-Vis vests are used by all marshals.
The 'stop-go' and penalty areas are marked in blue in close view from the rostrum. The penalty lines from the start area are clearly marked.

2 x Magic Sponge Rollers
Torrential rain can be cleared very quickly